Regular Curtain Tracks
Regular white painted steel track is a cost-effective, durable solution, ideal for use with pelmets.
- Made-to-measure (MTM) service (5 working days)
- Bending service for bay windows (angles and sweeps). Minimum radius 200mm C/L/R (7 working days)
- Corded and uncorded
- Top fix and face fix
- Suitable for up to medium weight curtains
- Single curtain or pair
- Can be supplied fitted to board
- Cannot be reverse bent
- Purchase as a complete assembled MTM track or as components
When ordering regular corded MTM track please specify:
- Track length
- Fitting height
- Top fix or face fix
- Preference for cord weight or tension device
- Left hand pull, right hand pull or dual pull (corded each end)
When ordering regular uncorded MTM track please specify:
- Track length
- Top fix or face fix
Regular MTM tracks will be supplied with 12 pendulum gliders (05035) per metre, face fix track will have brackets 05079 and 05046, and top fix tracks will have standard 05029 brackets.
Regular Profile Diagram