Pelmet Boards
- Bespoke MTM service, made to your specific requirements in any width from 25mm
- Stock widths are 141mm, 217mm and 293mm
- Boards are made from 21mm thick pine with optional 5mm hardwood facia
- Can also be made to fit a bay window to your specific measurements
- Track fitted to a board without facia will be centrally fitted. Track fitted to a board with facia will be front fitted
- If fitted using angel brackets, a spacer can be used to raise the track from the surface of the board to allow bracket to slide in under the track
- Board can also be produced with cutouts or in ‘D’ shapes to your specific measurements
- Can be produced with Velcro attached to either the front or the front and returns
- Facia will be made to suit the depth of the track or can be made to your specific requirements